I need ideas please!!

Please, if anyone out there can help me with breakfast ideas, I would be SO GRATEFUL.

Breakfast, my whole life, has been cereal or granola or muesli or oatmeal or toast. Now, I am not allowed to have grains, diary, eggs or bacon. I’m not big on savoury meals in the morning, but, even if I were going to force myself, what is there besides eggs and bacon and toast? Does anyone have any ideas?

I’m not big on fruit, either, but that is the ONLY thing I can bring myself to eat in the mornings on this new diet. Problem is, fruit needs something else to settle it ~ cereal or toast or yogurt ~ otherwise it’s just acidic and nasty in my stomach. And how much fruit would I have to eat to feel full? Blech.

So, please, please help me! I bought cashew butter and almond butter ~ is there anything I can buy or make that will mimic bread or toast? Can anyone think of anything that will replace cereal/oatmeal besides a handful of nuts? Ick.

I’m about to go spread cashew butter on a banana. Vom!

I’ll learn how to cook. Please help. 😦

7 thoughts on “I need ideas please!!

  1. Hmm, how about rice cakes with something spread on them? Or you could make fruit smoothies with yogurt or a milk alternative such as soya or rice milk. Now this sounds strange but I’ve been known to eat quinoa porridge for breakfast. I basically cook it in a milk alternative the way you would oat flakes. It doesn’t bulk out as well as oat but it is comforting and so good for you. Failing that you could eat rice pudding or semolina for breakfast with some fruit or honey. I hope this helps 🙂


    • akaemilo says:

      Thank you for your suggestions! Unfortunately, I cannot have ANY grains — no rice, no quinoa, no semolina. I’m definitely going to rely heavily on smoothies, but I need something to bite into, too! There are some bread recipes on paleo diet sites that are made with almond and coconut flour, but they seem to all have eggs. I guess I could experiment without the eggs, but it sounds like a lot of time, money and energy for recipes that might fail. I’ll keep researching…


      • Gosh yes, of course rice is a kind of grain. In England we have a breakfast dish called bubble and squeak, which basically consists of cooked potato fried up with cooked vegetables – usually cabbage. I know it probably sounds horrible but it is actually a very nice comforting dish using up leftovers, especially when served with baked beans (though our baked beans taste different because they don’t have molasses in them). Or how about potato pancakes? Here is a recipe for them without eggs: http://livingtheallergiclife.blogspot.it/2012/01/potato-pancakes-egg-free-dairy-free.html

        Good luck!


      • akaemilo says:

        Oh, you are so nice to keep trying! I do know bubble and squeak (was raised in Ireland), but, I can’t have potatoes and other starchy veg or beans or dairy. Nightmare, right?! But thanks, anyway. 🙂


  2. Anna says:

    This probably isn’t helpful at all, but it keeps coming to mind when I try to brainstorm things for you to eat, probably because it was the most restrictive menu I’ve ever come across (and the food was shockingly delicious). Perhaps it could at least serve as inspiration.

    Click to access eco%20menu%202012.pdf


    • akaemilo says:

      This was SO helpful! I don’t know why I am always so stuck in my ways. I honestly don’t know how to branch out unless someone shows me. Or, at least, it takes me a really long time. I am just such a Taurean, stuck in my comfort zone. So, this morning, I made a smoothie with banana, strawberries, almond-coconut milk… and then I added walnuts, vanilla and a little agave nectar. Oh my god, it is so good! It transformed it! Tomorrow, I want to try an apple pie version, with cinnamon, nutmeg, apples, walnuts.. Genius! Now I’ll just have to learn how to make zucchini noodles and cashew cheese. I need to get this restaurant’s cookbook. Thank you!


  3. Anna says:

    Brady and Jessi are doing a raw diet right now and they just made “spaghetti” with zucchini noodles. I can ask them for the recipe and more info.


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