Diet Day 23… I ate this for dinner today.



But, seriously, if I never eat fruit or veg again it’ll be too soon. I’m even sick of fish and nuts. Don’t let anyone tell you they start to enjoy eating a raw or paleo diet. It’s bullshit. I like it just like this – doesn’t need seasoning, doesn’t need butter, yum! Unless you have a personal chef or unlimited funds, your dinner does not taste as good as pasta and garlic bread, I don’t care who you are.

Pasta carbonara, garlic bread, red wine…pizza…tortellini…ham and cheddar toastie, pint of ale…peanut butter and jelly sandwich –ANY sandwich… burger, fries… kettle korn… irish coffee….Mmmmm…

2 thoughts on “Diet Day 23… I ate this for dinner today.

  1. mom says:

    I know him – I’ve seen owl before. How did it taste?


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